Thursday, 22 January 2009

The second (or is it the third) coming of this blog

Leading a hectic lifestyle and other activities made me forget the existence of this blog for almost a year. I now discovered it again, and in hopes that reflection and writing down my thoughts will help me improve as a player and my on ice performance I decided to detail the path I am taking to another Summer Cup competition.


I started training for the up and coming season in November 2008, so I am currently in month three of my six month campaign of getting back into shape. On a personal level my last campaign suffered greatly from a chronic knee injury and I spent most of the season re-habilitating and trying to play through searing pain.

My knee injury is caused by several impacts and twists it has taken and my over flexing joints, which eat away at the cartilage and ligaments of the knee. I went from scoring 18 goals and 5 assists in 12 games down to producing 8 goals and 4 assists in 11 games last season.


After two months of physical training and weight lifting I have managed to shed off 2% of body fat (damn Christmas in the way) and I have also began toning up while my strength has improved. I have been able to skate pain free for months now and it has made a difference in confidence.

I am still a long way off and the months ahead look gruelling as ever, with intensity of training increasing and external pressures from work and other things mounting up. I feel that this will be a test of wills and an interesting ‘experiment’ (in lack of a better word) on how dedication to a sport will go hand-in-hand whilst leading a ‘normal’ life.

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